Mascha Legel

Film as a means to improve communication and participation


The aim of this project is to assess the role of film as means to facilitate communication, and participation of students in special education programs. A comparison will be made in communication with and without film. Participants in this project are students that attend special education schools in the Netherlands. These students may problems with learning, behaviour, cognition and motor control. Moreover, these students are often hampered in their communication. The results of this project will improve our knowledge on the role of film in communication for these students and may eventually lead to the development of edcuational programs in which film has a central role. 

The research-project will done in collaboration between Radboud University Nijmegen (BSI) and Dundee University, Professor Annalu Waller.
More information about this collaboration, click here

For a short (film) impression of this project, please click the links below:

- Pilot FaOC
- FaOC fragments with parents' comment
- Presentation Dewi
- Presentation Brandon en Rebecca
High school assessment Liza

The FaOC pilot film can be retrieved from Mascha Legel.